Learn the Advanced Skills You Need to Progress & Succeed as Buyers Agent
Discover and master the practical tools you need to win even more business, help more clients, and gain an unfair advantage over your competition. With expert advice and personal mentoring from one of Australia's leading Buyers Agents, you can stop going it alone and start accelerating and refining your career as a Buyers Agent.
*12 in-depth modules. 12 months of mentoring.
of Homes
Co-host of Location Location Location Australia on The Lifestyle Channel
Podcast Host, TV Host, Author, and No BS Mentor
"In my opinion, Veronica has done a great job at sharing wisdom in our community and responding to a growing need for such development and assistance to highlight core competencies buyers agents require and helpful to set realistic expectations of the profession and being better equipped and job ready outside of theoretical training."
Mark Errichiello
Co-founder, Master Advocates Real Estate Services & REIV
Board Member
"In an Industry that is not well known for its integrity, it is refreshing to see a beacon of trustworthiness stand up and be counted. I have known Veronica Morgan for over 20 years and she has steadfastly stood by her values and principles every step of the way in her real estate career. A highly regarded industry professional, she has excelled in her roles as sales agent, buyers agent as well as industry influencer, commentator, speaker and trainer. Veronica knows her stuff better than most and there is no one more highly qualified to listen to if you seek to advance your career and business."
John Cunningham
Managing Director, Cunninghams RE
& Past President REINSW
"I've known Veronica professionally for over 10 years and she immediately struck me as someone with extremely high principles and an edge when it came to understanding how the property market works. She's well informed and keeps at the forefront of industry developments."
We need more of her.
Meighan Wells
Director, Property Pursuit & Past Chairperson REIQ Buyers'
Agent Chapter
Unlock Your Potential & Elevate Your Career
If you're like me, you're passionate about being a Buyers Agent for all the right reasons. Your motivation isn't about flashy cars or reality TV stardom; it's about making a genuine impact in your client's lives. Chances are, you want to:
● Confidently guide your clients to make better purchasing decisions.
● Help make property acquisitions that will stand the test of time.
● Make a positive difference in a sometimes shallow and 'salesy' industry.
● Provide sound, evidence-based advice to empower your clients.
● Build a career that gives you the time and financial freedom you crave.
... all while running rings around your competition, of course. No matter where you are in your career, you understand the value of hard work and are willing to put in the effort to achieve the life and career you've always envisioned.
So Why Do You Feel Like Your Career Isn't Quite Reaching Its Potential?
No career is a walk in the park, and the life of a Buyers Agent is no exception. The long hours, tireless property searches, uncertain income, and endless research can make it feel like an uphill battle. If sheer determination were enough to secure your success, you'd have left your competitors in the dust by now. But the truth is, continued success as a Buyers Agent demands more than just hustle – it involves a set of skills and knowledge they rarely provide when you get licensed as a Buyers Agent.
Perhaps you've found yourself facing these common challenges in your own journey as a Buyers Agent:
● Do you feel unsure of where to start when it comes to accelerating your career and achieving financial freedom? And you want advanced, practical strategies to guide you on the next steps so that you can finally reach your goals...

● Have you found yourself making avoidable mistakes due to a lack of knowledge and experience? And you're feeling the Imposter Syndrome kick in when you try to provide your clients with advice and information...

● Are you anxious about where your next client will come from? And you need a proven strategy so that you can win new business with confidence...

 Is competition strong in your local area? And you want access to mentorship and advice to help you upskill, be at the top of your game, and stand out against the competition...

 Have you found yourself feeling out of your depth and second-guessing yourself? And you want more confidence to handle high-pressure situations and navigate the ins and outs of the buying process...
● Do you wish you had more options when it came to your professional development? But you feel as if you're on your own with no network and no idea how to get your foot in the door...
If you resonate with any of the above, or you're just craving clear direction on how to succeed as a Buyers Agent, you're in the right place.
The Reality is, the path to Success as a Buyers Agent Is Rarely a Straight Line
Many Buyers Agents have invested their time and effort to earn their qualifications, only to discover that their ability to excel in their role and advocate for their clients in one of the most significant decisions of their lives remains a challenge.
While your licensing course may have provided a broad overview of the real estate industry, it often falls short of equipping you with the practical, on-the-ground skills essential for continued success. Skills such as due diligence, client management, offer structuring, how to have easier conversations, negotiation, productivity tactics, and how to safeguard your professional reputation.
And while the best way to gain these skills is to land a job in an agency and learn from industry veterans themselves, getting your foot in the door this way is nearly impossible. In an industry full of one-man-bands and micro-businesses with limited resources, oftentimes it's those with runs already on the board that are getting ahead.
When you find yourself caught in a cycle where you need experience to gain experience, what can you do? If you've encountered this familiar dilemma, I'm here to help.
Hi, I'm Veronica Morgan...
One of Australia's Leading Buyers Agents, Real Estate Media Personality and Experienced Coach
I've been in the real estate business for more than 22 years (and on the buying side of the fence for over 15). In 2009, I set up my boutique Buyers Agency, advocating for home buyers and training up a new generation of agents. It breaks my heart to see Buyers Agents full of energy and optimism, who end up dejected, struggling to find work, and forced to make it on their own or even switch careers altogether.
Instead, I want to make it easy for you to learn how to actually succeed as a Buyers Agent, and receive advice from someone who has been where you are now and forged a no-BS pathway through.
I Can Help You Feel More Confident, Equipped, and Empowered as a Buyers Agent...
So you can help your clients, stand out amongst your competition, and be at the top of your game. My practical training and hands-on, personal mentoring have never been offered like this, until now. I want to share what I have learned and taught for decades to a wider audience, so the next generation of Buyers Agents can stand out and succeed.
Apply for the Program Today
Access a Proven Roadmap That Allows You To:
Make good choices and recommendations for your clients as a true expert with unshakable confidence.
Pinpoint your values and what you truly stand for to avoid conflicts of interest and serve your clients with integrity.
Define what makes you unique so you can rise to the top of your competition faster, and win more business and lifelong clients.
Provide real value to your clients by knowing what data and information you need on hand at all times.
Never be intimidated by a pushy agent, with strategies to help you stand your ground and negotiate the best terms.
Know exactly what to do in every stage of the buying process, even without years of experience under your belt.
"Prior to starting the program I thought my property management experience would be much more relevant but I realise now that there is a lot more to know!"
Matthew, Student
It's time to take your career as a Buyers Agent into your own hands, skip the trial and error, and follow a proven pathway to success.
Apply Now!
*Begin the application process today
Elevate Your Competitive Advantage with Our 12-Month Buyers Agent Mentoring Program
Regardless of how long you have been a Buyers Agent, a mentor can be the difference between years of trial and error and an enriching career. As a member of the Buyers Agent Mentoring Program, you'll have access to a sounding board for training, advice, and answers that could knock years off your pathway to financial freedom and success as a Buyers Agent.
Through 12 modules of powerful, in-depth training, weekly live Momentum Sessions for accountability, and new custom content created every month, you'll learn how to confidently set the right systems in place to do things efficiently, effectively, and successfully as a Buyers Agent. Plus, with personal mentorship always available when you need it, you'll gain a sense of relief knowing you no longer have to go it alone.
Apply Today
*Ready to apply? Complete this form now and
we'll be in touch if you are eligible for an application call soon.
Warning: I'm Not Here to Tell You That Success Can Happen Overnight
As you already know, being a Buyers Agent requires a lot of hard work, hustle, and dedication - perhaps more than most careers. Is it worth it? Absolutely. But is it possible to become an overnight success? No way.
However, this mentorship program distils over 20 years of my experience to help you upskill and avoid the trial and error that can stand in the way of your success. By focusing your energy and attention onto ongoing learning, growing your network, and developing your reputation, you can feel more settled and confident in your career as a Buyers Agent.
I'm In! Apply Now
Let's Take a Closer Look at the Curriculum We'll Cover Inside:
Module 1 - Basic Principles
Gain a practical understanding of what should be common knowledge (but isn't) in our industry. In this module, you'll learn:
  • The widely varying licensing pathways from state to state, so you know exactly what boxes to tick before advancing your career.
  • Property Advisor VS Buyers Agents - what's the difference and which pathway opens you up to the most opportunities.
  • Why benchmarking your results is the only way to really know whether you're making good choices and recommendations for your clients or not.
Module 2 - What Makes a GREAT Buyers Agent?
Uncover the truth about what you actually need to succeed as a Buyers Agent. In this module, you'll learn:
  • What several industry experts deem the most important characteristics you need to have as a Buyers Agent.
  • Why clarity around your values and what you stand for can make or break you in an unpredictable industry.
  • The SIMPLE communication strategy to help you deliver uncomfortable news with confidence, so you can provide the guidance your clients need.
Module 3 - Your Value Proposition
Walk through a process that cost me years (and tens of thousands of dollars in learning) to refine to identify your unique value proposition. In this module, you'll discover:
  • How to pinpoint your unique point of difference, and go beyond the run-of-the-mill pitch that makes every BA sound the same.
  • MYTHS BUSTED: The 3 most common myths of what makes a 'good pitch' and why these mistakes could cost you hundreds of clients and thousands of dollars.
  • The down-low on crafting the perfect pitch that is authentic to you, unique from your competition, and able to win you more business.
Module 4 - Dealing With Clients
Getting a client is hard-work. Dealing with them is the next challenge. Now you've won a client's business - what do you do next?! In this module, we'll walk through:
  • How to set expectations that you can actually deliver on for a stress-free and even enjoyable process.
  • Turning a client into an advocate for your services, so you can all-but-guarantee they'll refer you to family and friends.
  • SIMPLE ways to handle difficult clients and diffuse small tensions in seconds.
Module 5 – Dealing With Agents
As a BA, you need to learn how to deal with agents of all shapes and sizes (and the good, bad and ugly egos). In this module, we'll look at:
  • 8 different agent profiles and how to recognise them, know what motivates them, and masterful negotiation tips for each.
  • The #1 thing agents use to get information out of you, and how you can be prepared to counteract at all times.
  • How to build and grow your network with agents so you'll establish relationships that ensure every party wins.
Module 6 – Data & Technology for Success
Data and technology is essential to help you succeed - but it can also cause a lot of overwhelm. In this module, you'll learn:
  • What data you actually need access to for your clients, and where to find that information online.
  • Data Danger Zones: why relying on price estimation tools could be the biggest mistake you make in business.
  • The essential software and apps to invest in without breaking the bank.
Module 7 – Due Diligence Part #1
Avoid mistakes that could cost you clients, your reputation, and even your career. In this module, we'll cover:
  • Making the invisible visible - how to set yourself apart as an agent by offering deeper research and helping your clients avoid buying mistakes.
  • What to look for at property inspections to ensure nothing slips through the cracks (and no awkward conversations ensue!)
  • Due diligence with in-depth pricing research and vendor disclosures and non-disclosures for total confidence that your clients aren't getting ripped off.
Module 8 – Due Diligence Part #2
As a BA, it's your responsibility to discover the discoverable, and alert your client to anything you can't find out - so where do you start? In this module, you'll learn:
  • How to avoid your client inheriting someone else's unfinished business with clarity on ALL past renovations and building works.
  • The best way to navigate the tricky business of buying strata properties so you can provide the best advice to your clients.
  • How to research the property's rental and renovation potential so your client knows exactly what they're getting into with the purchase.
Module 9 – Doing Deals
Aka, the 'fun' stuff of being a Buyers Agent! In this module, we'll dive deep into:
  • How to tell if an agent is bluffing to get more money out of your client, and when you should call their bluff.
  • Making a bulletproof offer that isn't easily swayed by an agent's fake urgency or tricks.
  • Mastering auctions: the 5 mistakes to avoid making, and how to stay strong right up until that gavel falls.
Module 10 – Protecting Your Business
Future-proof your business to weather any storm in this unpredictable industry. In this module, we'll look at:
  • How to protect the greatest asset your business has: YOU. Learn the top ways to avoid burnout to keep your own mental and physical health strong.
  • Keeping your reputation safe in a job that lives and dies on how other people see you.
  • Staying compliant and reducing financial risks so you know your business is rock-solid for the future.
Module 11 – Finding Clients (Who Become Lifelong Referrals)
By now, you'll know how to serve your clients... but where do you get them in the first place? In this module, you'll learn:
  • The #1 way to attract the right clients and win their business (hint: relationships are key).
  • How to hack your sales funnel to make your business magnetic to ideal clients and have them approaching you.
  • 6 things to NEVER forget to authentically find clients and turn them into lifelong advocates for your services.
Module 12 – Momentum Session
It's important to me that you get maximum benefit from this program, which is why this final module pulls everything together to identify gaps and propel you forward. In this module, we'll cover:
  • A reflection on where you've come from, where you're at now, and where you want to be.
  • The best next steps to develop your BA career, build your network, and win more business.
  • How to expand your skills and knowledge, and what ongoing development options are available.
If you Qualify to Join, You'll Also Receive These Powerful Bonuses to Multiply Your Success:
Hard copy of my well-renowned book, Auction Ready: How to Buy Property at Auction Even Though You're Scared S#!tless. (Valued at $29.95)
60-minute one-on-one professional development session with me at the end of the program to ensure you're equipped and ready for the next stage of your career growth. (Valued at $1,190)
Annual training day where we meet face to face for value-packed training and networking. (Valued at $550)
Unlimited access to our group forum where you can post questions and receive answers from fellow members and myself. (Valued at $885)
Weekly group momentum sessions
to keep ahead of the curve, ensure best practise and leverage the power of peer mentoring. (Valued at $9,750)
Professional support from experienced mentors. You are only ever an SMS or phone call away from personalised advice. (Priceless)
What's Inside the 12-Month Buyers Agent Mentoring Program?
12 Modules of Powerful Pre-Recorded Training
(Valued at $6,600)
Access to Training Library
(Valued at $6,600 and growing)
Weekly Live Group Momentum Sessions for Accountability
(Valued at $9,750)
Monthly Live Masterclasses
(Valued at $6,600 and growing)
Templates and Checklists to Take Your Learning to the Next Level
(Valued at $199)
1-Hour One-on-One Session With Veronica
(Valued at $1,190)
Access to Private Coaching
(Members only - additional cost)
Copy of Auction Ready: How to Buy Property at Auction Even Though You're Scared S#!tless
(Valued at $29.95)
NSW Real Estate Licence Holders will accrue up to 6 CPD hours of elective topics
REIV Members will accrue up to 12 CPD points
REIQ members will accrue up to 35 CPD points
(Valued from $249)
Unlimited Access to Our Group Forum Plus Private Sounding Board
(Valued at $2,310)
Annual Training Day
(Valued at $550)
Total Value: $34,078
You pay only $15,000!!!
*Total price paid with 12 monthly installments
Apply Today for: $1,250/mth*
*Including GST. 12-month commitment.
Or pay $12,500* up-front and get 2 months free
*Including GST
Ready to apply? The application process is easy.
with some information about yourself,
your goals and your career.
If eligible, we'll be in touch to arrange
a one-on-one call to make sure we're a good fit to work together over the next 12 months.
And if you're not quite ready for the full mentoring program, we have a NEW Starter Program. Access the 12 modules of training, and the members-only forum.
$7950 including GST.
Apply Today Risk-Free With Our "Better BA" Guarantee
I am so confident that this program will give you the confidence and skills you've been wanting to level up your BA career. If for any reason though you're not satisfied with the program, and aren't sure it will make you a better Buyers Agent in 12 months time, that's okay. Here's my guarantee to you:
If you've joined with an upfront payment... enjoy peace of mind knowing you can cancel anytime within your first 30-days for a full refund, no questions asked. If you join on a monthly basis... you're also free to cancel anytime with no more money owed.
Join Risk Free Today
The Buyers Agent Mentoring Program is Right for You If...
● You have a burning passion to become a leading Buyers Agent, a trusted advisor and are striving for mastery.
● You're already working as a Buyers Agent but you know you've only just scratched the surface of your potential.
● You're disturbed by the shallowness of some aspects of the property industry and want to make a positive difference.
● You know that this isn't a get-rich-quick scheme or a side hustle - it's your career.
● You value the importance of providing sound, evidence-based property advice.
● You want to become a more organised, productive Buyers Agent by implementing practical strategies for success.
That's Me! Apply Now
FYI, This Program is NOT For You If...
● You think you're a "Million Dollar Listing" star in the making.
● You're looking for shortcuts (you'll learn a lot of things faster in this program, but you will still need to get runs on the board the old fashioned way, through experience).
● You think success is measured in how many properties someone owns (or buys).
● You think hot-spotting is the holy grail and all you have to do is master the data.
● You don't want to be challenged.
● You don't really care about your clients as much as you care about money, fame or reputation.
Not Me! Apply Today
Hear From These Thriving Members...
I've been part of this program for almost two years, and from the very beginning, it has been truly life-changing. Not only has it significantly expanded my industry knowledge, but it has also equipped me with the essential skills to become a successful buyer's agent. The emphasis is always on delivering the best customer experience, rather than just focusing on marketing.

It's like Veronica can read my mind; she quickly identifies my challenges without much explanation and offers spot-on solutions. Maria, from her team, has been incredible—constantly available to support me through tough situations or simply check in to ensure I'm on the right track.

As a business owner, I can confidently say that without this program and their ongoing support, reaching the level I'm at today would have been impossible.

The support of the Buyers Agent Mentoring Program has been absolutely instrumental for my business.
The support started with business set up and then strategies to onboard my first client with advice from our mentors and members of the group. It has continued with assurance during each step of the purchasing process.
It's beneficial to hear the advice provided from Veronica and the team to each member depending on their scenario. Maria is very contactable and provides essential guidance due to her experience and I've at times spoken to her everyday. Nothing is too much trouble.
This team epitomises what being a Good Buyers Agent is all about and I couldn't be more grateful for the knowledge I'm gaining by being a member and learning from the best in the business!
I have been part of the Mentoring Program for two months now, and the benefits have been immense.
Initially, I doubted whether it would still be suitable for me, having run my buyer's agent business for almost three years and being a finalist for the REIV Buyer's Agent of the Year for two consecutive years. However, this experience has been eye-opening, showing me that there are always better ways to approach property purchases.
Veronica is always eager to share her decades of experience, and I know I can seek advice from both Veronica and Maria whenever I face uncertainty. Beyond that, our group members frequently share their wins and challenges, creating a sense of community that reassures me I am not alone.
Joining BAMP is a no-brainer if you get the opportunity. Highly recommended!
 What Sets The Buyers Agent Mentoring Program Apart: 
Learn from an industry expert
Ditch the theory and learn the real-world, valuable skills that made me one of Australia's leading Buyers Agents. Access tools and advice you can implement immediately in your own work.
No BS coaching style
Let's be honest: there are a lot of shonks spreading a lot of lies in the property industry. With me, you'll gain a real understanding of what it means and what it takes to be a Buyers Agent.
Tailored specifically to Buyers Agents
So much of the study required to get your licence is simply irrelevant to Buyers Agents (hello, useless marketing modules). Not here. Access valuable, practical, and highly applicable information designed for you.
Designed to give you a Return On Investment
Learn priceless skills and systems faster than you would have before so you can land clients easier, buy more houses, and get paid. Success with this course means it'll pay for itself in spades.
I'm In! Apply Now
Meet Your Coach:
Veronica Morgan
Past Vice President of REBAA|Current Board Member of PIPA|Keynote Speaker
I've been a Buyers Agent since way back in 2007. I'm the founder of Good Deeds Property Buyers and also the:
● Co-founder of Home Buyer Academy
● Co-host of Location Location Location Australia TV show
● Co-host of Relocation Relocation Australia TV show
● Co-host of The Elephant in the Room podcast
● Co-host of Your First Home Buyer Guide podcast
● Published in The Sydney Morning Herald, Your Investment Property, Australian Property Investor and more.
So, I've been around for a while and kind of know my stuff. I've also developed a reputation for my no-bullshit style. I'm sick of the misinformation and lies in the industry, and am committed to providing a clearer path for Buyers Agents to learn what they really need to know.
Our industry and our clients deserve a new generation of Buyers Agents who are exceptional at what they do and have the integrity to go with it. That's why I've designed this program, to help you elevate your career or your business.
Work With Veronica
This is your invitation to have one of Australia's leading Buyers Agents on your side... So what do you say?
Success in your career is not out of reach, and you don't need to go it alone. All you need is the right information and the right mentorship, and you can move forward with confidence, help more people, and turn your passion for property into a meaningful career. Apply for the 12-Month Buyers Agent Program today, and let's partner together to make this your reality sooner.
Apply Now
Veronica Morgan
Frequently Asked Questions
How much are you (Veronica) actually involved? I've joined groups and courses before and been palmed off to graduates instead of the founder.
Intensely involved. I'll be running many of the momentum sessions, answering forum questions and delivering new content along the way.
How long will each weekly session run for?
Each weekly live momentum session will run for 60 minutes.
Will the sessions be recorded?
The weekly live momentum sessions will not be recorded but the monthly training sessions will be delivered live and recorded for those who cannot make it.
I hold a NSW real estate licence, how do I get CPD points?
Once you have completed all 12 modules of the online course, you will have accrued up to 6 hours of learning that can be put towards your CPD for that year. Please note that the Essential Topics are NOT covered in the Buyers Agent Mentor Program, so you will need to complete those with a RTO.

Once you have completed the 12 modules, if you're a class 2 licensee, you will get a certificate to show you have completed 3 hours of Elective Topics. If you're a class 1 licensee, you will get a certificate to show you have completed 3 hours of Elective Topics and another certificate to show you have completed 3 hours of Business Skills Topics.
I am an REIV member, how do I get CPD points?
The REIV will allow you to claim up to a maximum of 12 CPD points as long as you have completed the 12 training modules and completed a minimum of 8 monthly masterclasses. They will allocate 4 points for completion of the 12 training modules and 1 point per masterclass. You will receive a certificate to show the points you have earned during the CPD year.

REIV members can apply for their points via their REIV member portal.

I am an REIQ member, how do I get CPD points?
The REIQ will allow you to claim up to a maximum of 35 CPD points as long as you have completed the 12 training modules and completed a minimum of 10 monthly masterclasses. This applies as long as you have not exceeded the maximum allocation of 35 points for external courses not provided by the REIQ. They will allocate 25 points for completion of the 12 training modules and 1 point per masterclass. You will receive a certificate to show the points you have earned during the CPD year.

REIQ members can apply for their points via their REIQ member portal.

Can I have ongoing access to the Q&A Forum / membership to ask questions and receive mentoring?
Absolutely, for as long as you remain a member! I envisage that you'll want to continue to mix with like-minded people, have access to weekly live Q&A calls where I can answer your challenges in a timely fashion PLUS monthly masterclasses with downloads, checklists, etc you can use in your business. As the library builds, so will the value for you. You'll be invited to continue in the group after you've completed the 12-month program.
Home Buyer Academy
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